toddler1 blog

About Me

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Little Wonders is a wonderful learning center located right here in Missouri City. This is where talent, imagination and professional skills are being dedicated to the teaching of our young children. We understand that children learn differently. Through observation and listening, we encourage each individual's unique learning styles; while focusing on their physical, educational and emotional needs. All of our teachers are professionally qualified with combined expertise in education, speech & hearing therapy, bilingual education and English as a Second Language. With a low student-teacher ratio, we provide your child with the attention they need. Little Wonders Learning Center is located at the corner of Lexington Blvd. and Dulles Ave. In this center, you will find a number of warm, loving teachers committed to putting children first. This isn't your ordinary day care facility.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Taste Test

Ahhhh...... this looks good!  It took us no time to dive into the papaya taste test!
We jumped right in and grabbed the chunks of papaya to taste.  And we loved it!  Much sweeter than the avocado..........
But the seeds are like something we have never seen before!  Small, black and slimy!
Aven tried to pick them up with a spoon......
But the seeds were not as tasty as the papaya ;0)
The boys enjoyed picking up the papaya with the spoons.......
Finally!  "I got one on the spoon!"
Right as it was about to go in my mouth!!!!  It was swiped away!!!!
"Good!  No one around, I get to enjoy my own piece of papaya!"
"Now let me see why Aven is so interested in these seeds...."
"Here, you want some more?"
"Let me taste them......"
"Oh, no Aven, these do not taste good, let me take them out of the bowl for you......"
"Fine, I'll just eat them straight out of the papaya!"
"These seeds just stick to your hand!"
"I think I am in favor of the slices, they taste great and I don't have to deal with the seeds!" ;0)
"Lets eat the whole plate!"
"I am glad everyone enjoyed the papaya, but can some one get me something out of here????  I didn't really like it so much!" ;0)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lets Try Papaya!

We had such a good experience exploring the avocado, that we can't wait to see what the children do when they are faced with THE PAPAYA!!!!

Tomorrow, we will see what happens!  Stay tuned ;0)

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Incredible Avocado

Right after snack, we found two trays of delicious avocados prepared in different ways.  Some were whole, some cut in half, chopped, smashed, in a bag, a bowl of avocado seeds, and a bowl of the skins.............
It took a good 5 minutes before the children were brave enough to touch it! 
"Hmmmm, we have never seen anything in this room like this before, what should we do with it?"
"ok, I am going for it!"
"ohhh, this feels kind of slimy!"
"Wow!"  "Look what we have!"
Aven was the only one who tasted it first!  Zoey looked a little concerned with what Aven was doing! ;0)
"I don't know why these are in here, they should be dumped out!"
"I am more concerned with this bag!  How can I get this stuff out of here??"  "I shake it, walk around with it, and smash it with my hands, and I still can't get it out!"
"Oh, look, I found balls!"
When we said "seeds", he was not having it!!!!  They were "BALLS"!!!
They were even fun to throw around the room ;0)
"Lets take all of the balls out of the bowls"
"I agree!"
"And lets take the avocado out too!"
"But maybe this big, black ball should go in the bowl"
"BALL!"  "I found another ball!"
Jackson started putting the balls in the bowl, and Zoey took over!
"Yea!" Clap your hands for putting these in the bowl!  "I am so proud of my self I am going to put more things in the bowl!"
"Ta Dah!"
An Avocado Still Life
by Zoey
"Yea!  I did it!"

Oblivious to what else is going on in the room..........little Ms. Aven!  She is too busy enjoying the taste of the avocado!

"Here guys, get this "ball" out of here, I can't eat it!"
Zoey was just looking at the texture of the skin on the avocado, when JJ thought that he should dump out the tray!
"Hey!  These pieces won't come off!  I keep trying and trying, but they are stuck!"

"Oh look!" "If you push your finger in here it can go all the way in!"
The children had so much fun exploring avocados.  It was an opportunity to explore, experiment, observe, and manipulate.  We love how the children do the unexpected!  We thought they would all probably taste it, but only one child chose to eat it ;0)  The rest experimented and formed their own "theories" of what the avocados were for. 
But at the end of the day.......................

We all agreed that the avocado was best used as a ball!!!!!!!  lol!