toddler1 blog

About Me

My photo
Little Wonders is a wonderful learning center located right here in Missouri City. This is where talent, imagination and professional skills are being dedicated to the teaching of our young children. We understand that children learn differently. Through observation and listening, we encourage each individual's unique learning styles; while focusing on their physical, educational and emotional needs. All of our teachers are professionally qualified with combined expertise in education, speech & hearing therapy, bilingual education and English as a Second Language. With a low student-teacher ratio, we provide your child with the attention they need. Little Wonders Learning Center is located at the corner of Lexington Blvd. and Dulles Ave. In this center, you will find a number of warm, loving teachers committed to putting children first. This isn't your ordinary day care facility.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

It is not a Box!

Our favorite thing in our room right now is the BOXES! 
Except, we don't really feel like they are boxes!  We use them as chairs, tents, caves, and many more things! 
We love to hang out in the "box" and read together........
We all love to get in our boxes and listen to what eachother is trying to say! ;)

Our Newest Art Piece

Ever wonder how the masterpieces hanging in our room come to be????

Well, here is a sneak peak at how we made one of our latest pieces........
It is hanging in our room for all to enjoy!

Working in the Garden

Have you seen our garden?  We have a beautiful vegetable and butterfly garden in the playground, and even our little ones help take care of them!  Here are some pictures of the children preparing the garden with soil, and planting seeds.  They had so much fun......
"Look what I get to use!"

Friday, April 15, 2011

Buckets of Fun!

"Oh WOW!", is what we heard over and over and over again when the children found these big buckets waiting for them as they entered the room after nap time!"Oh, wow!"
We felt so strong picking them up and walking around with them......
Look at the cutest smile ever!  He had a clever idea and tried to get inside the bucket!
It didn't work out quite like he hoped it would! ;0)
The yellow seemed to be the favorite of the bunch!
We loved the sound it made when we banged on it! 
Aven screamed with excitement!!!!
But then it was time to put something IN them........
We even found a way to put them inside of each other!!!!!
But in the end, Zoey was proud of her "collection!"